Machine Learning (NLP) for Protein Prediction

Sep 2022 - Apr 2023

Features 01

Machine Learning

Modelled protein sequence distribution to predict results

  • Implemented simple RNN and LSTM models for baseline predictions
  • Adapted large scale language models from literature
  • Technologies used: Pytorch, Tensorflow, Tensorboard
Features 02

Data Engineering

Cleaned and wrangled data from public scientific databases

  • Engineered features and feature embeddings
  • Produced visualizations to communicate findings
  • Used Pandas, Numpy, and other data science frameworks extensively
Features 01

Project Management

Planned and organized eight month timeline for project design for a team of four

  • Facilitated AGILE and SCRUM meetings to ensure coordination
  • Conducted prioritization of features to ensure on time delivery of project deliverables
  • Achieved results working independently to ensure critical pieces are in place for other team members